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Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration

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Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration - ABCA

District of Columbia flag
Office Hours
Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4pm

Connect With Us
899 North Capitol Street, NE, Medical Cannabis: Suite 4200-A, Alcohol: Suite 4200-B, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 442-4423
TTY: (746) 777-7776
Email: [email protected]

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Summary Suspension Hearing - Mesobe Restaurant and Deli Market

Last Date:

The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board will hold a summary suspension hearing at 11:30 am on Tuesday, December 22, 2015 regarding the following case:

Case # 15-251-00224
Debebe Addis, t/a Mesobe Restaurant and Deli Market
1853 7th Street, NW
License #81030
Retailer CR
Chief of Police Closure December 14, 2015

The hearing will be held in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Hearing Room:

2000 14th Street, NW
Suite 400 South, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20009


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