Court of Appeals Memorandum Opinion and Judgment regarding a petition filed by Solomon Enterprises, Inc.
Confidentiality of ABC Quarterly Statements (AL-07-261) (MID 199859)
1221 Van Street SE - 3-28-2017
Whole Foods Market - Order on Dismissal of ANC 6C's Protest
On January 11, 2017, the Board voted, six (6) to zero (0), to adopt the rules as final. No changes have been made to the rules since they were published as proposed in the D.C. Register. The final rules shall supersede the Third Notice of Emergency Rulemaking.
647 Rooftop - Order on Dismissal of ANC 1B's Protest
ChiefIke's Mambo Room - Order Granting Motion to Reconsider and Reinstating Cancelled License
Mulebone - Order on Settlement Agreement and Withdrawal of Protests
My Canton Restaurant - Order on Settlement Agreement and Withdrawal of ANC 1C's Protest
Darnell's - Order Denting Petition to Terminate Settlement Agreement