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Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration

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E.g., 2024-06-26
E.g., 2024-06-26

Complete the form below to apply for a change of officers, directors, partners, general partner, member or managing member to an ABC license. 

Persons may apply for a Temporary License to sell, serve, and allow the consumption of alcohol at indoor and outdoor events, such as weddings, bazaars, and fundraisers, for up to four (4) consecutive days. 

The following Quick Guide provides information regarding minors and ABC-licensed establishments in the District of Columbia.

Enforceable: Allowing or Prohibiting Entertainment; Hours that Entertainment will be Allowed; and Outside Noise Mitigation Requirements

Unenforceable: Restraints on the Licensee’s or Applicant’s, Ability to Operate

A licensee or the licensee's designated agent can complete the form below to update licensee contact information with ABCA, including a mailing address, email address or phone number. 

The following Quick Guide provides information on District of Columbia alcohol regulations for out-of-state Suppliers, Manufacturers and Importers. 

Alcoholic beverage license holders that want to add sports wagering devices or kiosks to their premises must secure advance approval from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (Board) in accordance with District Official Code § 25–762 since offering sports wagering may constitute a &ldq

The following Quick Guide provides information for alcoholic beverage licensees of Nightclubs in the District of Columbia.

The following Quick Guide provides information for an alcohol licensed internet retailer in the District of Columbia.


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