Stanton Liquors - Order on Dismissal of Application and ANC 5D's Protest
Peacock Liquors - July 18, 2018 - Transcript
Protest notices posted Friday, July 13, 2018. Notices reference the following businesses:
- Grand Duchess
- Penny Whisky Bar, LLC
- Rito Loco-El Techo
- Tap Rebels
- The new ACD
Georgetown Inn - 1310 Kitchen and Bar - Order Approving Request for A Stipulated License
Scion Restaurant - July 11, 2018 - Transcript
1624 Wisconsin Avenue, NW - July 11, 2018 - Settlement Agreement
4 Seasons Convenience Store - Order on Dismissal of Application
Chinese Disco - Findings of Fact, Conclusionss of Law, and Order
Hilton Washington DC/National Mall - Order on Cooperative Agreement
ABC Board calendar and agenda for Wednesday, July 11, 2018.