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Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration

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ABCA’s office will be closed on Monday, February 17 in observance of Washington’s Birthday. We will reopen on Tuesday, February 18.

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Adams Morgan Moratorium Zone Public Hearing

Last Date:


The ABC Board is providing notice that it will conduct a hearing from 10 am to noon on Wednesday, May 7 to receive public comment on two proposals regarding the future of the Adams Morgan Moratorium Zone. In an effort to allow time for the public to comment and to evaluate both proposals, the Board has adopted emergency rules to extend the existing moratorium 120 days to July 12, 2014. 

The two recommendations open for public comment include: 

  • Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 1C's proposal to renew the existing Adams Morgan Moratorium Zone for a five year period with certain modifications; and
  • Kalorama Citizens Association's proposal to have the existing moratorium zone renewed with no changes to current restrictions.

Individuals and representatives of organizations that want to testify on the proposals should contact ABRA General Counsel Martha Jenkins by Thursday, May 1:

  • Email - include full name, title, and organization, if applicable, of the person(s) testifying
  • Call - (202) 442-4456

Testimony may be limited to five minutes in order to allow everybody an opportunity to be heard. Witnesses should bring nine copies of their written testimony to the hearing. 

Members of the public that are unable to testify in person can submit written statements to the Board until 4 pm on Friday, May 9. Written statements must include the full name, title, organization, if applicable, and signature of the person(s) submitting the comment. Written comment may be submitted by:

  • Email
  • Mail: Alcoholic Beverage Control Board, 2000 14th Street, NW, Suite 400 South, Washington, DC 20009

The hearing will be held at:

The Reeves Center
2000 14th Street, NW
Suite 400 South, Board Hearing Room, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20009