Quick guides are provided to help ABC licensees learn the rules associated with their ABC license.
These guides are a brief synopsis of alcoholic beverage regulations. They do not include all DC alcoholic beverage laws. Complete regulations can be found in DC Official Code Title 25 and DC Municipal Regulation (DCMR) Title 23.
Do I Need a Liquor License?
Alcohol License Types
- ABC Manager
- Alcohol Retailer (Convenience and Liquor Stores, Wine Shops)
- Bakery
- Bed, Breakfast, and Hotel
- Brew Pub, Wine Pub and Distillery
- Caterer
- Internet Retailer
- Multipurpose Facility
- Nightclub
- Private Club
- Restaurant
- Tavern
- Wholesaler
- Advertisements, Discounts, and Promotions
- Books, Records, and Food Sales
- Buying, Selling and Transferring Liquor Licenses
- Foreign ID
- Out-of-State Suppliers, Manufacturers, Importers
- Security Plans
- Selling to Minors
- Settlement Agreements
- Technology/Online Service Providers
- Video Request