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Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration

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Brew, Wine and Distillery Pubs


Allows alcohol licensed establishments to manufacture alcohol on or immediately adjacent to their licensed premises, and to sell their product in sealed containers for off-premises consumption.

A Pub Endorsement also permits an establishment to provide patrons samples of its product at no cost, and to sell product at an alcohol licensed Farmer’s Market in the District between the hours of 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 

Permissions and requirements vary by Pub Endorsement type.


On-Premises Retailer License holders. Establishments with a:

  • Class C license may apply for a Brew, Wine, or Distillery Pub Endorsement.
  • Class D license may apply for a Brew or Wine Pub Endorsement.

To Apply

Requests for a Pub Endorsement can be included in an applicant’s initial ABC License Application (new license) or in an Approval of Substantial Change Application (existing license)

Of Note

Board Orders and Settlement Agreement terms apply and may affect eligibility.

A Brew Pub Endorsement allows a license holder with two or more licensed Brew Pubs locations to transport beer manufactured at one facility to another for sale and consumption.

Wine Pubs are required to submit an annual wine production report detailing:

  • Type(s) of wine produced or made reasonable efforts to produce on the licensed premises the previous calendar year, AND
  • Name(s) and title(s) of the vintner(s), or other person(s), who produced or made reasonable efforts to produce the wine.

Valid Period and Fees

Endorsements are valid for the entire alcohol licensure period. An annual fee applied for each licensed brew pub location. See Fee and Renewal Schedule.

Click here for more info on compliance filing.