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Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration

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ABCA’s office will be closed on Monday, October 14, for Indigenous Peoples’ Day. We will reopen at 8:30 am on Tuesday, October 15.   

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Solicitor License


Allows a representative of a wholesaler or manufacturer to legally sell alcoholic beverages on behalf of the business specified on their license and to transport samples to and from ABC-licensed establishments.


Applicants must be at least 21 years of age and must work for a specific wholesaler or manufacturer, in the District or U.S.

To Apply or Renew

Applicants must submit a Solicitor's License Application with all required documentation and payment. Applications are subject to ABC Board approval.

Valid Period and Fees

Licenses of the same class and type expire on the same day regardless of issuance date. Licenses may be valid for up to three (3) years based on the relevant license cycle.

See Fee and Renewal Schedule.

Of Note

  • The name of the Manufacturer or Wholesaler that an individual is licensed to represent is listed on that individual's Solicitor license.
  • Solicitor licenses are issued for a specific wholesaler or manufacturer. Licensees must obtain a new solicitor’s license to work with a new company.

Contact: [email protected] for questions.