The following cases will be heard at the roll call hearings beginning at 10 am on Monday, July 21:
Case #14-PRO-00045
CRV Corporation t/a The Bottom Line
1716 I Street, NW
License #ABRA-000755
Retailer CT
Substantial Change (Change of Hours)
Case #14-PRO-00046
Capitol City Brewing Company, LLC t/a Penthouse & Lounge
1612 U Street, NW
License #ABRA-086789
Retailer CT
Substantial Change (Expansion of Premises and Entertainment Endorsement)
Case #14-PRO-00049
Shawarmaji, LLC t/a Micho’s
500 H Street, NE
License #ABRA-094784
Retailer CR
New Application
Case #14-PRO-00050
MDM, LLC t/a Takoma Station Tavern
6914 4th Street, NW
License #ABRA-079370
Retailer CT
Substantial Change (Rooftop Summer Garden with 25 seats)
Hearings are held in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Hearing Room:
2000 14th Street, NW,Suite 400 South, 4th Floor,
Washington, DC 20009