The following cases will be heard at the roll call hearings beginning at 10 am on Tuesday, September 8, 2015:
Case #15-PRO-00083
Crave, LLC t/a Mess Hall
703 Edgewood Street, NE
License #ABRA-095398
Retailer Class CT
Substantial Change (request for Entertainment Endorsement and Cover Charge to allow use of a live band, disc jockey, or karaoke to complement cultural food events)
Case #15-PRO-00084
MZ-DC t/a DC Pizza
1103 19th Street, NW
License #ABRA-0094699
Retailer Class DR
Substantial Change (Change of Hours)
Hearings are held in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Hearing Room:
2000 14th Street, NW
Suite 400 South, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20009