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Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration

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Roll Call Hearings Calendar - October 17, 2016

Last Date:


The following cases will be heard at the roll call hearings beginning at 10 am on Monday, October 17:

Case #16-PRO-00095
Fasika Ethiopia Cuisine LLC t/a Fasika Ethiopian Cuisine
1924 9th Street, NW
License #ABRA-095180
Retailer Class CR
New Application

Case #16-PRO-00096
Teemnow, LLC t/a Exiles
1610 U Street, NW
License #ABRA-102051
Retailer Class CR
Substantial Change (Entertainment Endorsement)

Hearings are held in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Hearing Room:

2000 14th Street, NW,
Suite 400 South, 4th Floor,
Washington, DC 20009