The following cases will be heard at the roll call hearing beginning at 10 am on Monday, June 27, 2016:
Case #16-PRO-00069
Alta Strada-City Vista, LLC t/a Alta Strada
465 K Street NW
License #ABRA-100140
Retailer Class CR
License Renewal
Case #16-PRO-00070
Hilltop Hospitality, LLC t/a Mission
1606 20th Street NW
License #ABRA-094290
Retailer Class CR
License Renewal
Case #16-PRO-00066
Betty Gojo Restaurant t/a Betty’s Gojo
7616 Georgia Ave NW
License #ABRA-102500
Retailer Class CR
New Application
Case #16-PRO-00068
Debebe Addis t/a Mesobe Restaurant and Deli Market
1853 7th Street NW
License #ABRA-081030
Retailer Class CR
License Renewal
Case #16-PRO-00072
Piassa, Inc. t/a Piassa Ethiopian Cuisine & Café
1336 9th Street NW
License #ABRA-102178
Retailer Class CR
New Application
Case #16-PRO-00073
Fernando Postigo t/a Mexican Grill
1251 H Street NE
License #ABRA-092192
Retailer Class CR
Substantial Change (request for change of hours, sales, operation, and live entertainment
Case #16-PRO-00067
Nispero, LLC t/a El Nuevo Migueleno
1721 Columbia Road NW
License #ABRA-075403
Retailer Class CR
License Renewal
The hearings will be held in the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board Hearing Room:
2000 14th Street, NW
Suite 400 South, 4th Floor
Washington, DC 20009