What/Who: The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board (Board) will decide the future of the East Dupont Circle Moratorium at a public hearing on Wednesday, Nov. 20. Members of the media and public are welcome to attend.
When: 1:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 20
Where: Frank D. Reeves Municipal Center
Alcoholic Beverage Regulation Administration Hearing Room
2000 14th Street, NW, Suite 400 S., 4th floor
Background: The Board is considering two proposals in addition to public comment received on the issue at a hearing on Thursday, Oct. 24. The first proposal was from Advisory Neighborhood Commission (ANC) 2B, which recommended renewing the existing moratorium for another three-year period with significant modifications. A second proposal from the Dupont Circle Citizens Association suggested conducting further research on the issue.
The East Dupont Circle Moratorium Zone currently limits the number of alcoholic beverage licenses that can be issued in an area extending approximately 600 feet in all directions from the intersection of 17th and Q streets, NW to the following:
- Two licenses to retailers to sell liquor, wine and beer;
- Two licenses to retailers to sell wine and beer;
- Two licenses to taverns;
- Sixteen licenses to restaurants;
- No licenses to nightclubs; and
- No licenses to multipurpose facilities.
All hotels are exempt from the terms of the moratorium zone. More details may be reviewed in DC Municipal Regulations Title 23 Section 307.