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Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration

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Entertainment Endorsement


Allows alcohol establishments to:

  • Offer live entertainment, including a singer, band, or musical ensemble, poetry reading, trivia, karaoke, DJ, comedy show, or drag show.
  • Provide an area or space for dancing.
  • Charge an entrance fee that is not directly applied to the purchase of food and drink.


On-Premises Retailer license holders and Manufacturers with an On-Site Sales and Consumption.


Licensees holding a Nightclub, Multipurpose Facility, or any other class CX/DX On-Premises Retailer license may provide live entertainment, charge an entrance fee, or provide a dance floor as a matter of right.

Licensees holding a Tavern license may provide a dance floor no larger than 140 square feet without an Entertainment Endorsement.

To Apply

Requests for an Entertainment Endorsement can be included in an applicant’s initial ABC License Application (new license) or in an Entertainment Endorsement Application (existing license). An applicant may request one or any combination

Of Note

Board Orders and Settlement Agreement terms apply and may affect eligibility.

Valid Period and Fees

Endorsements are valid for the entire alcohol licensure period. See Fee and Renewal Schedule.