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ABC Board Dispositions - October 31, 2018

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Alcoholic Beverage Control Board issued the following decisions on Wednesday, October 31, 2018:

Case #18-PRO-00071
Pax Liquor, Inc., t/a Pax Spirits
4944 South Dakota Avenue, NE
License #110690
Retailer A
Application for a New License
Disposition: The Board set the matter for a Protest Hearing on November 28, 2018 at 1:30 pm.

Case #18-PRO-00068
MHG Navy Yard, LLC, t/a Circa at Navy Yard/El Bebe
99 M Street, SE
License #109955
Retailer CR
Application for a New License
Disposition: The Board cancelled the hearing due to the submission of a Settlement Agreement for the Board's review and approval. See Board Order No. 2018-655.

Case #18-251-00098
Kiss, LLC, t/a Kiss Tavern
637 T Street, NW
License #104710
Retailer CT
Violation of Settlement Agreement (Two Counts)
Disposition: The Board cancelled the hearing due to the dismissal of the case by the Office of the Attorney General. See Board Order No. 2018-613.

Case #18-251-00114
Kiss, LLC, t/a Kiss Tavern
637 T Street, NW
License #104710
Retailer CT
Violation of Settlement Agreement
Disposition: The Board set the matter for a Show Cause Hearing on December 5, 2018 at 10 am.

Case #18-CIT-00105
Chaia Georgetown, LLC, t/a Chaia, LLC
3207 Grace Street, NW
License #99787
Retailer DR
No ABC Manager on Duty
Disposition: The Board accepted an Offer In Compromise: $350 fine to be paid within 30 days. Indefinite suspension of the license if the fine is not paid by December 3, 2018, 7-0.

Case #18-CIT-00106
Chaia Georgetown, LLC, t/a Chaia, LLC
3207 Grace Street, NW
License #99787
Retailer DR
No ABC Manager on Duty
Disposition: The Board accepted an Offer In Compromise: $350 fine to be paid within 30 days. Indefinite suspension of the license if the fine is not paid by December 3, 2018, 7-0.

Case #18-251-00066
F&A, Inc., t/a Anacostia Market
1303 Good Hope Road, SE
License #86470
Retailer B
No ABC Manager on Duty (Two Counts)
Disposition: The Board accepted an Offer In Compromise: $2,000 fine to be paid within 60 days. Charge I - Dismissed and Charge II - $2,000. lndefinte suspension of the license if the fine is not paid by December 31, 2018, 7-0.

Case #18-CC-00027
14th & V, Inc., t/a Busboys and Poets
1390 V Street, NW
License #71220
Retailer CR
Sale to Minor Violation, Failed to Take Steps Necessary to Ascertain Legal Drinking Age
Disposition: The Board dismissed the case with prejudice, 6-1 (Alberti).

Case #18-CC-00071
14th & V, Inc., t/a Busboys and Poets
1390 V Street, NW
License #71220
Retailer CR
Sale to Minor Violation
Disposition: The Board dismissed the case with prejudice, 6-1 (Alberti).

Case #18-PRO-00048
TM Liquors, Inc., t/a Big Ben Liquors
1300 North Capitol Street, NW
License #60652
Retailer A
Application to Renew the License
Disposition: The Board cancelled this hearing due to the submission of a Settlement Agreement for the Board's review and approval.

Case #18-CMP-00120
Yohannes A. Woldemichael, t/a Capitol Fine Wine and Spirits
415 H Street, NE
License #82981
Retailer A
No ABC Manager on Duty, Operating on an Expired License
Disposition: The Board cancelled this hearing due to the dismissal of the case by the Office of the Attorney General. See Board Order No. 2018-612.

Case #18-CMP-00092
Kiss, LLC, t/a Kiss Tavern
637 T Street, NW
License #104710
Retailer CT
Failed to Comply with Board Order No. 2017-603 and No. 2017-151, Operating After Board Approved Hours, Violation of Settlement Agreement
Disposition: The Board continued this hearing to December 12, 2018 at 2:30pm.

Case #18-PRO-00053
Pako, LLC, t/a Kovaks Liquors
1237 Mount Olivet Road, NE
License #106551
Retailer A
Substantial Change (Request to Change Hours of Operation and Sales, Service and Consumption)
Disposition: The Board held a closed meeting for purposes of deliberating this hearing pursuant to D.C. Official Code §2-574(b) (13). The Board will issue an Order within 90 days.