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Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration

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Medical Cannabis - Manufacturer License


Permits the processing, packaging, and labeling of medical cannabis products for sale and distribution to licensed retailers and internet retailers in DC for resale to eligible patients and caregivers.


Applicants must meet general qualification requirements including being at least 21 years of age. An applicant must be current on all tax filings and not owe the District more than $100.00. An applicant may not hold an interest in a testing laboratory or courier license. An applicant must be either a for-profit or non-profit corporation incorporated in the District.

Physicians registered to make patient recommendations are ineligible.

Board Orders and Settlement Agreement terms apply and may affect eligibility.

To Apply

Applications are only accepted during open application periods. View Open Application Schedule.

Applications are subject to a 45-day public comment period and ABC Board approval with the exception of applications filed by existing cultivation centers that were licensed by March 22, 2023. 

View Application

Valid Period and Fees

Licenses are valid for up to three (3) years with all licenses of the same type expiring on the same date regardless of the date of issuance. An annual fee applies. See Fee and Renewal Schedule.

Of Note

A manufacturer may not be located within any Office of Planning-zoned residential district or within 300 feet of a preschool, primary or secondary school, or a recreation center.

Active licensed cultivation centers that would like to start manufacturing and selling medical cannabis products have until May 1, 2024, under the Act to register for a Manufacturer license Type 1 or Type 2. 

  • Type 1 - Manufacturing only 
  • Type 2 - Manufacturing and extraction

​​​​​​A Type 2 Manufacturer’s license is required if the applicant intends to manufacture medical cannabis products utilizing hazardous materials, flammable and combustible liquids, compressed gases, cryogenic fluids, or equipment that requires an operational permit from the Office of the Fire Marshal, DC Fire and Emergency Medical Services. A listing of when an operational permit is required from the Office of the Fire Marshal can be found starting in section 107.10 of the D.C. Fire Prevention Code.