Alcohol retailer licenses are issued for three (3) periods with all establishments of the same class and type expiring on the same date. Renewal applications must include a Certificate of Clean Hands, issued by the District’s Office and Tax and Revenue (OTR), for all persons listed on the license as a president, vice-president, managing member, shareholder, or sole member and the business entity.
Topics covered in this info session:
- Alcohol license application requirements, process, and timeline
- Process for requesting and requirements to receive a Clean Hands Certificate
- OTR compliance payment plan arrangements
- OTR primary point of contact for questions regarding Clean Hands Certificates
- Amy Fields, Supervisory Revenue Officer, Office of Tax and Revenue
- James Thomas, Clean Hands and Revenue Specialist, Office of Tax and Revenue
- Sean Gordy, Licensing Division Manager—Alcoholic Beverage and Cannabis Administration
A recording of this session is available here.